Europatour 2020: ca. 7. - 20. Mai. Voraussichtliche Besetzung:
Laurie Lewis: Gitarre, Geige, Gesang
Patrick Sauber: Banjo, Gitarre, Gesang
Brandon Godman: Geige, Gesang
Haselden Ciaccio: Bass, Gesang
Freitag, 8. Mai: A-Haag am Hausruck. Näheres in Kürze.
Donnerstag, 14. Mai: D-74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen. Näheres in Kürze.
Freitag, 15. Mai: CH-Willisau. Näheres in Kürze.
Samstag, 16. Mai: Bühl (Baden), Intern. Bluegrass-Festival. Näheres in Kürze.
Die vielfach preisgekrönte Fiddlerin, Sängerin, Bandleaderin und Liedermacherin lebt in Berkeley an der Bucht von San Francisco. Die meiste Zeit des Jahres ist sie allerdings mit ihrer Band unterwegs, denn Laurie Lewis gehört zu den gefragtesten Acts der amerikanischen Folk-, Akustik- und Bluegrass-Szene. Ihre Tourneen haben sie kreuz und quer durch die Vereinigten Staaten geführt, mehrmals auch nach Europa.
Tourneen außerhalb der USA in: Kanada Österreich, Deutschland, England, Ungarn, Finnland, Türkei, Italien, Japan, Niederlande, Schweiz, Tschechische Republik.
Hier gibt es bald Pressematerial zum downloaden.
“Laurie is a tremendously gifted writer with a unique vision, the possessor of an exquisitely
lovely voice, a whiz on fiddle and acoustic bass, and a good producer.”
Billboard Magazine
“The past three decades have seen Laurie Lewis establish herself as one of the leading lights of American acoustic music, a genuine national treasure. Though best known for the bluegrass she’s performed with her various bands over the years…it’s not too much of a stretch to suggest that if the ‘Americana’ format wasn’t invented for her, it should have been.”
Sing Out
"... Then there was a perfectly luminous set by Laurie Lewis and the Right Hands. I confess that,
while I’ve played Laurie’s music for many years, I have perhaps taken it for granted. Maybe it’s that the records don’t quite do her justice. There’s something about a live performance, even from
the middle of the auditorium, that can bring an artist into focus. It just seemed to be a special moment. I saw Jim Rooney after Laurie’s set, and he clearly felt it, too: 'That alone was worth
the price of admission,' he said; there might have been a tear in his eye."
Lynn Joiner, Hillbilly at Harvard report on the Joe Val Bluegrass Festival, 2/2015
"I heard Laurie sing last night, first time in twenty years Singing songs she had written, near
brought me to tears She sang straight to the heart like all great singers do. She knows that when you sing a song, some way you've got to mean it, too."
David Bromberg
"I first knew Laurie by her considerable reputation as a fiddle player and a writer of songs. When an opportunity came along to sing with her I seized it. Getting to know her as a singer and a person has been pure pleasure. Her voice is a rare combination of grit and grace, strength and delicacy."
Linda Ronstadt
"Laurie Lewis' songs combine passion and sheer craft in a way you don't hear very often. Whatever
country music is supposed to be, she's at the center of it."
Utah Phillips